Welcome to ADI Treatments
ADI Treatments was formed in 1997 to provide a comprehensive commercial heat treatment facility to the European engineering industry. ADI Treatments Ltd. specialises in subcontract austempering and annealing of `free issue` customer parts. Austempered castings offer an alternative technology to solve a wide range of engineering problems in weight critical wear applications. Solutions using our technology allow customers to achieve lower manufacturing cost and complexity meanwhile realising improvements in energy and environmental performance.
It is the policy of ADI Treatments to continuously develop its services, its processes and its management systems to deliver a consistently high quality heat treatment service; and to meet the technical speciļ¬cations and the contractual requirements of our customers. Our integrated management system is designed to focus on the customer, and to deliver excellent performance in the areas of Quality, Heath, Safety and Environment.
ADI Treatments Ltd are certified to ISO9001, 14001, 45001 and Pas 99.
We operate with a number of internationally recognised approvals